Sexual Behavior of Ljubljana High School Students, 1994

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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kondom, MLADOSTNIK , SREDNJEŠOLSKO IZOBRAŽEVANJE, SPOLNO PRENOSLJIVA BOLEZEN, SPOLNA OSVEŠČENOST, SPOLNOST, spolno prenosljive okužbe, kontracepcija, SPOLNO ZDRAVJE, SPOLNO VEDENJE, spolni odnos, število spolnih partnerjev, mladostniki
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Dataset description

The purpose of the research is to obtain information on the sexual behaviour of Ljubljana secondary school pupils, on the knowledge of contraception and sexually transmitted infections, on sources of information about sexuality, on the use of contraception. Risky sexual behaviour in adolescents can have short-term as well as long-term consequences, such as premature and mostly unwanted pregnancy, abortion and sexually transmitted diseases. To educate young people for responsible sexual behaviour, we need to know how many of them already have sex, what they know about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, and whether their attitude to their own sexual activity is responsible. The survey was carried out on a representative sample of 1723 students of the 1st and 3 rd year olds of Ljubljana secondary schools. The data was collected using a questionnaire containing 25 questions about sexual behavior, knowledge of contraception and sexually transmitted diseases, sources of information about contraception and sexuality, and the views of young people on sexuality and the undesired consequences thereof. The survey took place in February 1994.
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