Shaping cultural policy in Slovenia

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
politični akterji, POLITIK, ODLOČANJE, sodelovanje odločevalcev z interesnimi skupinami, OBLIKOVANJE POLITIK, dostopnost odločevalcev, javnopolitične podarene, javnopolitične arene, procesi oblikovanja javnih politik, interesne skupine, moč političnih akterjev, INTERESNA SKUPINA, viri moči, kulturna politika, POLITIKA
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Dataset description

The starting point of the survey is the assertion that the power between individual public policy-makers is not balanced in public policy-making processes. Therefore, the aim of the research was primarily to determine which public policy dominance possesses the highest power in these processes. The latter depends on the ability to control, control and monopolise a variety of power factors. Empirical results only partially confirm the initial claim. The question whether the control, control and monopolisation of certain factors of power is more important than others remains unanswered. The data obtained, especially those showing the gap between the number and degree (possibility) of control, control and monopolisation of the factors of power of the official public policy donate and its power in the processes of shaping cultural policies, point only to the possibility that some factors of power are more important than others.
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