Slovenian Public Opinion 1969

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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dedovanje, OGLAŠEVANJE, CERKEV, vloga in vpliv socialistične zveze in zveze komunistov, splav, odnos do nerazvitih, mehanizacija kmetijstva, ugledni politiki, kazniva dejanja, odnos do načina bivanja, Češkoslovaška, mednacionalni odnosi, odnos do zdravstvenih ustanov, odnos do naravnega in bivalnega okolja, zunanja politika in varnost Jugoslavije, pluralizem, varčevanje, religija in odnos do cerkve, VERSKA PRIPADNOST, STALIŠČE, KMET, odseljevanje iz podeželja, položaj kmetov, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, vzroki kriminala, odnosi med jugoslovanskimi narodi, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, vzroki študentskih nemirov, volilno obnašanje, KMETIJA, POLITIKA, VARSTVO NARAVE, položaj starejših, mediji, navezanost na kraj, kontracepcija, odnos do nagrajevanja, odnos z zadrugami
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Dataset description

In a poll of Slovenian public opinion in 1969, researchers repeated some topics from the survey a year ago. Again, a set of questions on religion was also included in the survey: the degree of faith and frequency of attending religious rites, faith in the afterlife, the role of the Church in society. There is a question about the media and information. A novelty of the media package is questions about the monitoring of advertisements. Respondents are asked where and when they notice advertisements and whether advertisements influence their purchasing decisions. A special, rather extensive group, was dedicated to the topical issues of farmers and agriculture. In a set of questions dedicated to the relationship with the living environment, respondents choose between nature conservation and economic development. Respondents judged the causes of student unrest and proposed the most appropriate measures to reduce crime. The questionnaire contains some questions regarding the assessment of the defence preparedness and regularity of the Yugoslav foreign policy. The Health and Health section contains topical questions about the quality of services provided by health institutions and measures to regulate the situation of older people, abortion and contraception. Demographic questions are closing the questionnaire.
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