Slovenian Public Opinion 1970/71

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
financiranje družbenih dejavnosti, vpliv posameznika na politiko, možnost za izobraževanje, STALIŠČE, svoboda verovanja, varčevalne navade, odnos do zakonov, REŠEVANJE PROBLEMOV, odhajanje na delo na tuje, seznanjenost z dogajanji v drugih republikah in zamejstvu, ZUNANJA POLITIKA, IZOBRAŽEVALNI SISTEM, materialni položaj gospodinjstva, odnos Slovencev do vojske, POKOJNINA, družbenopolitična aktivnost anketiranca, znanje jezikov, svoboda govora, zveza komunistov, gospodarska stabilizacija, ogroženost Jugoslavije, pokojninsko zavarovanje, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, zanimanje za vojaške poklice, ocena medijev, načrtovanje življenja, odnosi z Italijo (slovenska manjšina), ugled politikov, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, IZSELJEVANJE, zaželjene lastnosti voditeljev, odnosi država-cerkev, neenakosti v izobrazbi, teritorialna obramba, spremljanje medijev, pokojnine, spremembe jugoslovanske ustave (uvedba predsedstva), vernost, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, priseljevanje v Slovenijo
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The questionnaire starts with a series of questions on the self-assessment of the material situation and on plans to improve it. Respondents also assess who or which institution should be obliged to take care of economic and social problems or who should take care of the development of less developed republics. Questions relating to the emigration of Slovenians abroad (the causes of departure and selection of the country). A specific section was dedicated to education (respondents compared education opportunities with those of 10 years ago). The country’s defence section contains questions about the country’s threat assessment and the assessment of the adequacy of Yugoslav foreign policy. Respondents indicated the activity of knowledge of some of these languages. The next section is devoted to opinions on the pension system. This was followed by a set of questions regarding the monitoring of mass media. Finally, respondents indicate the values that, in their opinion, determine the reputation of a person in society. Demographic questions are closing the questionnaire.
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