Slovenian Public Opinion 1978

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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VOLITVE , splošna ljudska obramba, ocena življenjskih razmer, ocena pomena informbiroja, ocena delegatskega sistema, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, knjiga, koncerti, ORGANIZACIJA, DELO IN ZAPOSLOVANJE, zakon o združenem delu, volitve delegatov, ocena zunanje politike in ogroženosti Jugoslavije, kajenje, mediji, televizija, ravnanje v sporih, razvojne vrednote, krvodajalstvo, ocena rasti življenjskega standarda, način financiranja sociale, odnos razviti-nerazviti, interesi vernih ljudi, interesi ljudi, DRUŽBENO ŽIVLJENJE, PROSTI ČAS, odnosi s sosedi, gledališča, knjižnice, galerije, ocena novega sistema nagrajevanja, delovne navade, ogledalo javnega mnenja, DAROVANJE KRVI, NOTRANJA POLITIKA, prostočasne dejavnosti, vernost, prisotnost družbenih razlik, odnosi in povezanost med jugoslovanskimi narodi, opremljenost stanovanja, ocena dela drugih družbenopolitičnih organizacij, zavzemanje za različne družbene cilje, odnos do Slovencev v zamejstvu, problemi, o katerih se ne govori, sodelovanje z bankami, športna aktivnost, varčevalne navade, ocena družbene vloge zveze komunistov, bivalne razmere, položaj kmetov, kino
Quality scoring

Dataset description

A large part of the SJM 1978 study is devoted to the assessment of internal policy developments. The first part starts with questions about the elections. The following are questions about the delegate system. The following set of questions relates to the activity of socio-political organisations. Some questions are about work, attitude to work and reward. All respondents answer the question whether or not they donate blood. In a series of questions about work, culture and leisure, we first find answers about the use of working time. We also learn about the average Slovenian in 1978 how many books he reads, how often he watches theatre performances, how often he watches films on television. The whole set of questions relates to contacts with the bank. The respondents also indicate whether, in their opinion, the security of Yugoslavia is at risk and from whom, and assess the combat readiness of the armed forces (JLA and TO). A set of media-related questions begins with a question about the source of information regarding the preparations for the elections and the UK Congress. Demographic questions are closing the questionnaire.
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