Slovenian Public Opinion 1980

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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vrednotenje dela, odseljevanje v mesta, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, ocena položaja Slovenije v Jugoslaviji, mediji, vrednote (samostojnost, varnost), ocena prihodnosti Jugoslavije, varčevalne navade, ŠPORT, prisotnost izkoriščanja v družbi, stanovanjske razmere, založenost trgovin, mednacionalni odnosi v Jugoslaviji, vernost, zunanja politika in varnost Jugoslavije, kulturna dediščina, odnosi cerkve in države, seznanjenost z dogodki doma im po svetu, odnos do priseljevanja v Slovenijo in odseljevanja, GOSPODARSKI IN DRUŽBENI RAZVOJ, ocena 35 let Jugoslavije, ukvarjanje s športom, vpliv na odločanje v delovni organizaciji in kraju bivanja, pojavi podkupovanja, ugled poklicev, POLITIČNI SISTEM, spremembe v življenju, delovanje socialistične zveze, pomanjkanje dobrin, VSAKDANJE ŽIVLJENJE, položaj starih ljudi, članstvo v političnih organizacijah, položaj kmetov, stanje cest v Sloveniji, KULTURNA DEDIŠČINA, odnosi med razvitimi in nerazvitimi, odnosi med narodi v Sloveniji (etnična distanca), ukrepi za povečanje gospodarske učinkovitosti, primerjave med državami - političnimi sistemi, gradnja nuklearne elektrarne, spomeniki preteklosti (poznavanje, vloga, financiranje, vzdrževanja), delo (zadovoljstvo, napredovanje), MEDNARODNI ODNOSI, položaj delavskega razreda, ocena družbenega standarda, vloga in učinkovitosti samoupravnega sistema, ZUNANJA POLITIKA, onesnaževanje okolja, delegatski sistem (obveščenost, aktivnost, ocena), sprejemanje ukrepov gospodarske stabilizacije, odnos do nagrajevanja, odnos do samoprispevka, odnos do neenakosti, odnos do družbene solidarnosti, ocena politike zveze komunistov, verske navade, družina
Quality scoring

Dataset description

At the beginning, respondents compare different aspects of living in their own environment with life five years ago. In the next section, which is dedicated to cultural heritage, the respondents first assess which objects and objects are among the monuments of cultural heritage. Here is a chapter on the socio-political system. As part of the questions about physical culture, respondents are asked whether they agree that the Olympic Games will be held in Sarajevo, and then tell whether they themselves (organised or, regularly or occasionally) engage in any sport. The following questions are aimed at measuring the personal characteristics of respondents. The following are questions related to the development of Slovenia within the framework of Yugoslavia. They all assess the importance of the impact of individual characteristics on the promotion and reputation of individual professions. The block of current problems includes the question of the most appropriate Yugoslav foreign policy orientation, the military threat to Yugoslavia, express an opinion on the conclusion of the agreement with the EEC, the military intervention of the SW in Afghanistan, etc. In the next chapter, the respondents first express the degree of threat from environmental hazards. Demographic questions can be found at the end of the questionnaire.
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