Slovenian Public Opinion 1988

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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STALIŠČE, GOSPODARSKE RAZMERE, USTAVNA SPREMEMBA, financiranje vojske, ugledni politiki, ustavne spremembe, samoodločba, VREDNOTA, ŽIVLJENJSKE RAZMERE, samostojnost republik, mednacionalni odnosi, opozicijsko gibanje
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Dataset description

The aim of the research is to determine how the Slovenian public supports the positions represented by the Assembly of the SR of Slovenia when discussing constitutional changes at the federal level. The special thematic research is shorter than the standard research of SJM and focuses on current events. Of SJM’s standard questions, here is an assessment of options for exiting the crisis by changing the political regime, assessing the optimistic mood among people, citing prominent politicians, assessing the consistency of UK policy with people’s interests as to how good relations between peoples are. Special issues concern the topics of constitutional changes (autonomy of republics, self-determination of peoples, evaluation and interpretation of the behaviour of the Slovenian Assembly, financing of the JLA, role of the Presidency of Yugoslavia, familiarity with progress of changes, support for calling a referendum on the amendment of the Constitution and announcement of voting). Several questions are aimed at assessing the current situation in Slovenia in the period just before the political upheaval and independence (political situation, democracy, relations with the JLA, the process against the Quartet, the cultural protest meeting in Ljubljana, the functioning of the Human Rights Protection Committee, self-assessment of willingness to protest in case of repression of political freedoms, support for Slovenian political leadership) and events in Yugoslavia (mitings in Serbia, international relations, causes of cross-national tightening in Yugoslavia). Minimal demography is included.
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