Slovenian Public Opinion 1992

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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zaposlitev, poslušanje različnih glasbenih zvrsti, spremljanje satelitskih TV programov, spremljanje tujih TV programov, ocena političnega položaja, spremljanje koncertov, razumevanje jezikov, nacionalna identiteta, popularne TV osebnosti, druženje s prijatelji, igranje na srečo, politika, politična usmeritev TVS, TELEVIZIJA, vrednote o delu, BRANJE, ocenjevanje programov TVS, spremljanje posameznih tipov oddaj, stališča o oglaševanju, strpnost, prevladujoč vir informiranja, gledanost TV, branost leposlovnih in strokovnih knjig, strankarske preference, spremljanje gledaliških predstav, DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA, GLEDANJE TELEVIZIJE, KRAJEVNI MEDIJI, ukvarjanje s športom, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, poslušanost radia, dejavniki gledanja TV, RADIJSKI PROGRAM, pogostost gledanja posameznih oddaj
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Dataset description

A major independent survey on the monitoring of mass media in Slovenia expands the field of interest in media habits, which is a constant topic of SJM research. The tradition of this research begins with the ICC62, more notably in MEDIA89. The survey begins with a detailed recording of television programmes and individual broadcasts in order to analyse the factors affecting the style of media consumption. This is followed by other aspects of how to spend free time understood in the context of the concept of lifestyle. The questions relate to the methods of information, the frequency and normal time of radio ins television monitoring, the selection of individual stations and broadcasts. Respondents list the most popular shows and personalities, evaluate individual programmes, answer questions about technological equipment (teletext, video, cable/satellite TV), tell or monitor foreign stations, which sports they are most interested in, what attitude they have towards advertising, assess the political orientation of state television. The set of questions concerns the monitoring of newspapers and magazines and their evaluation. The questionnaire also contains questions about the lifestyle (reading habits, sports activity, listening to music), self-assessment of the material situation, the work of the respondent and his attitude towards it, measuring attitudes regarding the nation/nationalism, gender relations, narcomania, abortion and private property. The standard block of socio-demographic questions is preceded by a set of questions about politics, the assessment of the political situation, satisfaction with the functioning of power, electoral preferences and attitudes towards extreme views on what is happening in the public. For a week, part of the respondents recorded closely watching broadcasts on TV and evaluated individual broadcasts on national television using a special form ("TV viewing barometer since 24. 30 June 1992.
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