Slovenian Public Opinion 1992/1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
družinske vrednote, splav, upravljanje podjetij, vzgoja, pivske navade, prostovoljno delo, osebnostne lastnosti, etnična distanca, odnos do pijanosti, odnos do boga, STALIŠČE, socialna vloga države, okoljske vrednote, prostorska identiteta, članstvo v prostovoljnih organizacijah, odnos do zaposlenosti žensk, hierarhija družbenih ciljev, zaupanje institucijam, delitev vlog v družini, UŽIVANJE ALKOHOLA, pojmovanje zakonitosti, strankarske simpatije, odnos do družbenih gibanj, VREDNOTA, hierarhija vrednot, odnos do otrok, ALKOHOLIZEM, odnos do neenakosti, ocena učinkov pitja alkoholnih pijač, POLITIČNO UDEJSTVOVANJE, odnos do vloge cerkve v družbi, moralne vrednote, odnos do dela in nagrajevanja, zdravje in počutje, ZADOVOLJSTVO, politična aktivnost in politična kultura, religioznost, smisel življenja
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The content of the survey is a procedurally equivalent repetition of the International Values Survey, which is the first part of the questionnaire. Only a block of questions on alcoholism has been added, followed by internationally modified demography. They cover various areas of values and attitudes towards contemporary social problems, such as religious and moral values, regarding the role of women, ecology, inequality, education of children, etc. A number of questions are also devoted to political activities, a view of society, and the degree of integration of the individual into society measured through participation in associations and societies, the level of trust in society and so on. There is a social distance to various marginal groups, the level of satisfaction in life and attitudes towards work.
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