Slovenian Public Opinion 1994/2

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
življenjski standard, strankarske preference, materialne razmere v družini, etnični odnosi, POLITIKA, evropska identiteta, VREDNOTA, ocena stanja v Sloveniji, KULTURNA IDENTITETA, nacionalizem, vstop v EU, odnos do priseljevanja, pridobitev državljanstva, stiki z marginalnimi skupinami, nezaposlenost, ocena delovanja državnih organov, politična stališča, pripadnost (politična, krajevna, nacionalna, poklicna..), zaupanje v institucije, SOCIALNO-EKONOMSKI POLOŽAJ, ŽIVLJENJSKE RAZMERE, ocena političnega sistema, gospodarski položaj Slovenije, ugledni politiki, nacionalni ponos, socialna distanca, ETNIČNA MANJŠINA, ocena delovanja gospodarstva
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Basic content of the project: THE VALUES: national pride, acquisition of citizenship, affiliation (political, local, national, professional..), attitude towards immigration, social distance, contacts with marginal groups, economic situation of Slovenia; SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION AND TRANSITION PROBLEMS: unemployment, material family conditions, standard of living, assessment of the functioning of the economy, assessment of the political system, trust in institutions; EUROPE: entry into the EU, European identity; POLITICS, STATE, PARTIES: assessment of the situation in Slovenia, political positions, party preferences, reputable politicians, assessment of the functioning of state bodies.
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