Slovenian Public Opinion 2001/1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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ocena zadovoljstva z življenjem, delovanja demokracije in gospodarstva, pripadnost geografskim skupinam, vrsta pogodbe z delodajalcem, trditve v zvezi z EU, religioznost, člani gospodinjstva, uskladitev pravnega reda, kraj opravljanja aktivnosti, ocena osebne sreče, DEMOKRACIJA, "nedeljsko vprašanje", DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA, razprave in informiranje o EU, materialne razmere družine, Slovenija in NATO, zakonski stan, zaposlitveni sektor, koristi Slovenije v primeru pristopa k EU, število delovnih aktivnosti, preživljanje prostega časa, trditve o slovenstvu, dva najbolj pereča problema, MEDNARODNA POLITIKA, dobre in slabe stvari članstva v EU, prihodnost EU, viri dohodkov intervjuvanca, prihranki, druga in tretja delovna aktivnost, možnosti za članstvo, vir dohodka in dohodki gospodinjstva, spol in narodnost intervjuvanca, EVROPSKA UNIJA, lastnina gospodinjstva, sindikalno članstvo, GOSPODINJSTVO, izobrazba intervjuvanca, mnenja o modernem oz. tradicionalnem, razredna pripadnost, finančni položaj gospodinjstva po vključitvi, zaposlitvene spremembe, občutki o pojmu "Evropska unija", kdo zavira proces vključevanja, referendum o pridružitvi, izobrazba in delovna aktivnost članov gospodinjstva, poklic, spremljanje informativnih oddaj in tiska, zadovoljstvo z aktivnostjo, JAVNO MNENJE, razpored delovnega časa, standard gospodinjstva, nadzor meje, glavna delovna aktivnost, DELO IN ZAPOSLOVANJE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The questionnaire is entirely dedicated to two main topics. It begins with a question about the problems that seem most pressing to the interviewee for Slovenia. Issues relating to the monitoring of news programmes and the reading of the printed media continue. In the second block there are questions about the interviewee’s happiness, satisfaction with life and democracy, assessments of the state of the economy in Slovenia, questions about spending leisure time, and two questions concerning the re-establishment of Slovenianism and tradition and modernity. The third bloc contains questions relating to positions on Europe and the European Union. Among other things here is to find questions about information about the EU, interest in it, the consequences and attitude of the interviewee towards Slovenia’s association. The fourth block contains questions from the EU-supported project “Economic, Work and Flexibility” about the work activity of the interviewee and his/her family. Among other things, here are questions about the sources of income, the economic activities of the interviewee and their number, working time schedule, satisfaction with work activity, and questions about the work activities of other household members. The questionnaire ends with a block of demographic questions.
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