Slovenian Public Opinion 2001/2

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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socialna varnost, DEMOKRACIJA, politični barometer, stranke in volitve, JAVNO MNENJE, EVROPSKA UNIJA, POLITIČNA STRANKA, razvoj slovenskega gospodarstva, odnos do zavarovalnic in zavarovalništva, odnos do zavarovalnic, sklepanje komercialnih zavarovanj, posledice vključevanja v EU, presežek denarnih sredstev, ocena življenjskih razmer, volitve predsednika republike, korupcija, ogledalo javnega mnenja, zavarovalništvo, zaupanje v intitucije in politične stranke, odnos do političnih strank in njenih voditeljev, strankarske preference, pričakovane koristi od zavarovanj, tolerantnost do marginalnih družbenih skupin, pridruževanje EU in tuji jeziki, levica in desnica, EKOLOGIJA, odnos do političnega sistema, dodatno zdravstveno zavarovanje, ukinitev parlamenta in strank, dodatno pokojninsko zavarovanje, POLITIKA, neposredna tuja vlaganja, fizična varnost, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, odnos do vsakodnevnih družbenih pojavov, politična aktivnost, medijski blok, odnos do EU in NATO, branje dnevnih časopisov, bližina političnim strankam, spremljanje informativnih oddaj, MEDNARODNA POLITIKA, občutek varnosti zaradi sklenitve zavarovanja, demografija, zanimanje za politiko, znanje tujih jezikov, politični nazori anketirancev
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The questionnaire consists of six sets of questions. The first section contains questions on topical topics. The second section contains questions concerning the assessment of the current political situation, the attitude towards political parties and the Parliament. There are also questions relating to the elections. The third section deals with the questions of views on joining the European Union, foreign direct investment, future economic development, foreign language skills and ecology. The fourth section is dedicated to the interviewee’s follow-up to the media. The fifth block concerns respondents’ attitudes towards insurance and insurance. It raises questions about the sympathy for taking out insurance, the taking out of commercial insurance, the expected benefits of underwriting and the acceptability of supplementary health and pension insurance. In the sixth place, there are demographic issues.
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