Slovenian Public Opinion 2001/3

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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Available languages
dejavniki ogrožanja varnosti Slovenije, naloge vojske, šport in rekreacija, zaupanje varnostnim institucijam, ocena delovanja zdravstva, vključevanje v EU in NATO, dodatno zdravstveno zavarovanje, rizične skupine naj plačujejo višje zavarovanje, ali kadite in če koliko, viri informacij glede obeh integracij, zadovoljstvo z zdravstvom, sodelovanje v mirovnih operacijah, stališča glede NATO, vloga NATO v prihodnosti, obramba vrednot, države, pogostost pitja alkoholnih pijač, varnostne integracije v Evropi, demografija, dejavniki zagotavljanja varnosti, kartica zdravstvenega zavarovanja, samoocena zdravstvenega stanja, slovenska vojska, izdatki za zdravstveno varstvo, stališča do zdravstvenega zavarovanja, zdravstvene navade, varnostni sistem Slovenije, prehrambene in druge navade, ZDRAVSTVENO STANJE, pijte vina, ZDRAVJE, pitje žganih pijač, pomoč v naravnih nesrečah, ZDRAVO PREHRANJEVANJE, zdravje in zdravstvo, varnostna kultura, zdravstveno zavarovanje in politika, DRŽAVNA VARNOST, OSEBNA VARNOST, ZDRAVSTVENO ZAVAROVANJE, pitje piva, ZAVAROVANJE, civilno služenje, NATO , izbira vojaškega poklica, pogostost obiskovanja zdravnika, dostopnost alkohola mladini, KULTURA
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The questionnaire consists of eight sets of questions. The first set contains questions about the health, health and nutrition habits of respondents and their assessment of health and health. The second section contains questions concerning the factors affecting the security of Slovenia. The third section focuses on issues related to safety culture and education. The fourth section is devoted to questions related to the assessment of Slovenia’s security position, the role of the military and the level of defence expenditure. The fifth bloc concerns attitudes towards existing security integrations, EU and NATO membership, and the sixth bloc concerns views on health insurance and health policy. The seventh set contains questions about the frequency of drinking alcoholic beverages and the eighth are demographic issues.
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