Slovenian Public Opinion 2003/4

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
evropske volitve, cilji Slovenije, varnost, materialne razmere, zaupanje v institucije, politična izključenost, človekove pravice, volitve, VOLITVE , KULTURNA IDENTITETA, DEMOKRACIJA, branje časopisov in revij, UDELEŽBA, ocena javnih služb, ZAUPANJE, ocena političih strank, svoboda, IDENTITETA, INSTITUCIJA, vpliv na politično odločanje in izbiro, informativne oddaje (televizija/radijo), življenje po vojnah, ocena dela Združenih narodov, mnenje o delovanju skrajnežev, ocena demokracije, zdravstveno stanje, politično in družbeno delovanje, ocena dela Evropskega Parlamenta, podoba dobrega državljana, NARODNA IDENTITETA
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The role of a citizen can be explored from at least two aspects. We can study it from a legal point of view or from a political cultural perspective. This survey on understanding the role of the citizen seeks to address the second approach. It shall focus on the citizen’s civic and political identity and social and political participation. The research includes a classic division into vertical and horizontal images of democracy. The vertical aspect includes the relationship between the citizen and the political system, while the horizontal includes the relationship between citizens themselves. The study shall include at least four decisive dimensions. The first is the citizen’s appreciation of political and democratic institutions and civic power. The second dimension addresses the citizen’s perception of the concepts of ‘good citizen’ and ‘good democracy’. The third dimension stems from the horizontal dimension and addresses social trust and social capital. The fourth dimension deals with the citizen’s social and political participation.
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