Slovenian Public Opinion 2005/1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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Available languages
FINANČNA POLITIKA , POLITIČNO VEDENJE, znanje, vodstvo, delodajalci, zaposlitev, kulturno življenje, VREDNOTA, pogoji dela, kredit, verouk v šolah, delovni čas, zavod za zaposlovanje, znanja, delovna usposobljenost, zdravstveno varstvo, začasna zaposlitev, sindikati, smrtna kazen, partizanstvo, vrednote, pravica do splava, veščine, DELOVNI ČAS, demokratičnost odločanja, medijski blok, agencija za zaposlovanje, pokojnina, internet, socialni razredi, kapitalizem, organizacija dela, gospodinjstvo, POGOJI ZA OPRAVLJANJE DELA, delovne izkušnje, ŽIVLJENJSKE RAZMERE, osebna sreča, stranke, ZAUPANJE, socialna podpora, iskanje zaposlitve, DELO IN ZAPOSLOVANJE, odnosi med zaposlenimi, socialne razmere, odnos do politike, vračanje premoženja, privatizacija, sindikalne pravice, POLITIČNO STALIŠČE, domobranstvo, zadovoljstvo z zaposlitvijo, liberalizem, zaposleni, možnost izobraževanja, proste ure, enakost med spoloma, finančni položaj, globalizacija, VLOGA VLADE, službene obveznosti, odnos do preteklosti, dodatni zaslužek, volitve, vloga države, spoštovanje dela, človekove pravice in svoboščine
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The research is part of a pan-European project aimed at recording social change over time. Thematic research focuses mainly on the issue of attitudes towards work. The questionnaire consists of seven strands. In the first we find questions about employment and working conditions. The second bloc is dedicated to the social situation and material conditions and includes, inter alia, the possibility of education, healthcare, cultural life and respect for human rights and freedoms. The next section raises questions about values, expression of trust and attitude towards the past. The fourth part of the questionnaire is intended to understand the role of the State. Respondents first assess the level of the rule of law and welfare, the responsibility of the state and its tax policy. Then there are questions about attitudes towards politics, parties and elections. Finally, we find some questions on topical political topics and the media bloc. This is followed by a large-scale demographic block, which is closed by questions by respondents to assess their properties. The Comparative Research: ADP — IDNo: SJM973.
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