Slovenian Public Opinion 2007

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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ocena zdravstvenega stanja, DEMOKRACIJA, zadovoljstvo z materialnimi razmerami, Evropska obrambna politika, MEDNARODNA POLITIKA, VOLITVE , zadovoljstvo z delovanjem demokracije v Sloveniji, ocena osebne sreče, strankarske preference, DRŽAVNA VARNOST, zaupanje, mnenje o delovanju vojske v humanitarne in vojaške namene zunaj svoje države, levo-desna politična orientacija, MIR, naloge vojske, pogled na družbo, reagiranje družine ob odločitvi opravljanja vojaške službe, VARNOSTNA IN OBRAMBNA POLITIKA DRŽAVE, uporaba vojaške sile, dejavniki ogrožanja varnosti, terorizem, seznanjenost z delovanjem Slovenske vojske, odgovornost države, članstvo v NATO, MIROVNE SILE, mnenje o statusu vojaškega poklica, 60. obletnica druge svetovne vojne, predsodki o sodelovanju žensk v vojski
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The basic objective of the research is, on the one hand, to study the interdependence between changed international security circumstances and socio-economic, political, security and value changes in Slovenia, and, on the other hand, the need to adapt the national security system of our country to the requirements arising from European integration processes. The survey identifies the public’s views on various segments of national security policy and the system of Slovenia, and towards other national security-relevant problems and phenomena. Special attention was paid to the public’s attitudes towards the abolition of military service and the introduction of a fully professional army in Slovenia, as well as the change in the manner of provision of the Slovenian Armed Forces. The part of the research on values, views on social conditions and attitudes towards customers is considered in some publications as a standalone survey SJM 2007/02. The Comparative Research: SJM941, SJM945, SJM951, SJM962, SJM991, SJM992, SJM013, SJM034, SJM052.
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