Slovenian Public Opinion 2012/2

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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ocena zdravstvenega stanja, voljena stranka, STALIŠČE, politična participacija, DRUŽBENE VREDNOTE, DEMOKRACIJA, občutek osebne sreče, ocena demokracije v lastni državi, udeležba na volitvah, enakopravnost, vpliv priseljevanja na nacionalno gospodarstvo, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, osebnostne značilnosti, zaupanje v politične institucije, članstvo v političnih strankah, uporaba interneta, OSEBNA IDENTITETA, odnos do priseljencev, strankarske preference, obiskovanje verskih obredov, osebna blaginja, spremljanje množičnih medijev, verska pripadnost, zadovoljstvo z delovanjem demokracije, socialni stiki, BLAGINJA, strah pred kriminaliteto, družbena blaginja, diskriminacija, brezposelnost, DRUŽBENA IZKLJUČENOST, zaupanje v sočloveka, državljanstvo, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, prepričanja in pričakovanja od demokracije, demografija
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Slovenian Public Opinion (SJM) 2012 is a survey conducted as part of the European Social Survey 2012 (ESS 6). The ESF is an academic-led international survey conducted so far in more than 30 countries. The objectives of the research are to monitor and interpret changing social values and habits in Europe and to explore, how they relate to changes in the institutional environment across Europe. Slovenian Public Opinion 2012 is part of the sixth round the ESF programme, which, in addition to Slovenia, covered 29 countries mainly from the European Union. In this circle in addition to the basic content module, two additional rotating content modules are included, namely: the assessment and understanding democracy” and “personal and social well-being” (partially included in the ESF round 3). It is used in research. high quality survey methodology — consistent random sampling, target participation of at least 70 percent and accurate translation protocols.
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