Slovenian Public Opinion 2020/1

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
odnos do priseljevanja, zaupanje v institucije, socialni stiki, samoocena zdravja, VSAKDANJE ŽIVLJENJE, epidemija, politična orientacija, občutek ogroženosti, religija, zaupanje, RELIGIJA, vrednote, odnos do demokracije, verovanje, covid-19, ZDRAVJE, VREDNOTA, vsakdanje življenje, zadovoljstvo z življenjem, POLITIČNO STALIŠČE, ZAUPANJE
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Like the previous SJM surveys, the current survey was carried out in the form of a standardised survey on a probabilistic sample of adult population of Slovenia. A combination of an online survey and a postal survey was used to collect the data. The survey includes two thematic strands: a) ‘Public opinion mirror’, which includes recurring topics of the SJM survey; and B) an up-to-date set of questions about life and attitudes during the COVID-19 epidemic. The section ‘Public opinion mirror’ covers, in particular, the following topics: satisfaction with certain aspects of life (including self-assessment of health, assessment of the material situation of the household), assessment of the situation in certain social sub-systems, attitude to democracy, attitude to immigration, certain aspects of trust, political orientation and values. The strand ‘Life and views during the COVID-19 epidemic’ includes the following topics: facts about contact with COVID-19, a sense of threat and concern; problems during the epidemic (related to measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic), attitude towards measures related to the epidemic (including compliance with the measures), changes in everyday habits, trust in institutional actors in the context of the epidemic, what is happening with social contacts and social support networks, views on the causes of the epidemic and its the future development. Like all SJM surveys, this survey includes a comprehensive set of so-called demographic issues (from gender and age to household composition; jobs and jobs, etc.).
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