Slovenian pulse 12/2010

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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VREDNOTA, STRANKARSKA PRIPADNOST, igralniške dejavnosti, igralništvo v Sloveniji, igre na srečo, DRUŽBENE NAVADE, STALIŠČE, IGRE NA SREČO, strankarske preference, podpora vladi
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Dataset description

This time, the research focuses on current events in Slovenian politics, as well as the topic of gambling. It reveals how much participation can be expected in the referendum on the RTV Act and what will be the most likely fate of the law in the referendum. It also looks at how it shows. The Small Work Act in the event of a possible referendum and how residents of Slovenia view the appointment of Branko Masleša as President of the Supreme Court and how they see the backgrounds of the replacement of Uroš Rotnik at the head of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant. The survey examines the extent to which people see political backgrounds in the investigation against Member of Andrei Magajna. The survey also included a topic about the depechasis of Prime Minister Pahor’s talks at the U.S. embassy, namely the opinion of respondents on whether the the Prime Minister’s attitude towards normal practice, politically controversial behaviour or even corruption? In the field of gambling, research determines which games they are among the most popular among the residents of Slovenia and how they view the development of gambling activity in Slovenia.
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