Dataset information
Available languages
NARODNA IDENTITETA, STRANKARSKA PRIPADNOST, NARODNA KULTURA, NARODNOST, podpora vladi, strankarske preference, osebnostne značilnosti, VREDNOTA, KULTURA, občutek pripadnosti, KULTURNA IDENTITETA, STALIŠČE, zgodovinski dogodki
Dataset description
A series of questions on Slovenian identity and history examined the extent to which Slovenians feel members of their nation, state, municipality, region, Europe, family, profession, organisation and political opinion. They were also asked who is the most important figure in Slovenian history and how important individual historical events are to them. We also explored what typical Slovenian qualities should be — we Slovenians are hardworking, honest, envious, tolerant, innovative, closed, determined, competitive, courageous, solidarity? It also shows how much change has taken place compared to last year. Among the current issues, it was determined whether Prime Minister Pahor acted correctly or doublely from the point of view of public opinion when, despite the appeal of the Court of Auditors, he did not replace Minister Križanič. It was also investigated whether, in the opinion of the respondents, we need a radical change to the Constitution and the regulation of Slovenia, only minor corrections, or whether the Constitution should be maintained as it is. It was checked how much participation in the referendum on the Small Works Act could be and what the fate of this law would be. As always, the relationship between the political parties and the (non-)support of the current government has been noted.
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