Slovenian Youth 2013

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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uporaba interneta, življenjski stili, politična participacija, MLADINSKA KULTURA, zadovoljstvo z demokracijo, vrednote, odnosi s starši, partnerstvo, odtujenost, MLADOST, pričakovanja o poklicni prihodnosti, PROSTI ČAS, pričakovanja o šolanju, MLADOSTNIK , zaposlenost, mobilnost, ZDRAVJE, vloga spolov, DRUŽBENO ŽIVLJENJE, mejniki odraščanja, izobraževanje, prijateljstvo, virtualizacija vsakdanjega življenja, uporaba medijev, stanovanjske razmere, časovna orientacija, prosti čas, kultura, vloga družine, religioznost, družbeno zaupanje, socialno-ekonomski položaj mladine, materialni položaj gospodinjstva, zdravje, študentsko delo, ZAPOSLOVANJE MLADIH, zanimanje za politiko, politične preference in orientacije, interesi, učni uspeh, DRUŽBENA STALIŠČA
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The main purpose of the Slovenian Youth Survey 2013 was to obtain a comprehensive picture of the life of Slovenian youth (between 16 and 27 years of age). Similar to the 2010 study, the Youth 2013 study presents a conceptual and methodological continuation. traditions of exploring young people in Slovenia, with some more detailed finishing. They have been used as a basis for the methodological approach. studies of young people already carried out in Germany (Hurrelmann et al., 2002, 2006) and the approaches and concepts emerging in the research of young people so far in Slovenia since 1985. The Youth 2013 study and the numerous publications based on it offer insights into life, attitudes and behaviors. not only Slovenian youth, but also young people from two other Western Balkan countries: Croatia (IDIZ-FES Croatian 2012 Youth Study) and Kosovo (IDRA-FES) Kosovo 2012 Youth Study). In addition, as part of our survey, German data (Shell 2010 German Youth Study) was also used for comparison purposes. The comparative nature of the Youth 2013 survey offers valuable findings in the field of youth studies and thus seeks to partially fill the research gap in the post-communist countries. The main problem areas discussed included: demographic change and intergenerational cooperation, education and training, employment and entrepreneurship, housing and housing conditions, lifestyles, health and well-being; media use, political participation and attitudes, youth mobility and globalisation and others.
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