Social Nutrition, 1981-1983

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
HRANA , razmere na delovnem mestu, izobrazba, VARNA HRANA, delitev dela v gospodinjstvu, HRANA IN PREHRANJEVANJE, EKOLOŠKA HRANA, ocenjevanje zdravstvene kvalitete prehrane, ocenjevanje postrežbe v restavracijah, ocena kvalitete hrane, vpliv prehrane na počutje pri delu, ZDRAVO PREHRANJEVANJE, spreminjanje prehrambenih navad, osveščenost o zdravstveni neoporečnosti prehrambenih izdelkov, prehranjevanje v delovnem okolju, tip naselja, spreminjanje nakupovalnih navad, organiziranost prehranjevanja v delovnem okolju, opis bivalnega okolja, spol, prehrambene navade, starost
Quality scoring

Dataset description

With the first sociological study of dietary habits in Slovenia, we focused mainly on factors that influence attitudes towards eating in the working environment. In the first part, we analysed statistical data on the organisation and prevalence of eating in the work environment. In the second part, we researched the views and opinions of users about the organisation and quality of eating in the working environment and partly also the living environment, which we collected with a survey among users or consumers. In Slovenia, organised eating in the work environment is fairly widespread, but qualitatively varies considerably depending on the industry and the size of the work organisations. The attitude of users to eating in the workplace depends on the quality and organisation of eating as well as on the general dietary habits of consumers. Despite the development of “social nutrition”, the views of users succumb to numerous and strong prejudices. The main value of the research is that it has integrated the organisational, technological and sociological aspects of nutrition in the workplace.
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