Social profile of students of the University of Maribor 2002

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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RABA INTERNETA, prosti čas, študij v tujini, zadovoljstno s študijskim procesom, zanimanje za politiko, pogoji študija, stereotipi, vrednote, socialni pogoji študija, ŽIVLJENJSKE RAZMERE, SUBKULTURA, SOCIALNO-EKONOMSKI POLOŽAJ, ŠTUDENTSKA ORGANIZACIJA, fakulteta, uporaba interneta, obiskovanje verskih obredov, PROSTI ČAS, radio in televizija, ŠTUDENT, odnos do posameznih družbenih skupin, duhovnost, etnična distanca, tiskani mediji, odhodki študenta, izpitno pedagoška problematika, študentski boni, demografija, dohodki študenta, ŽIVLJENJSKI SLOG, problemi mladih, študijski material in študijska literatura
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The basic purpose of the research is to define the state of all the most important indicators of student life at the University of Maribor, and to position the results obtained in the wider social conditions and processes. The results of the research should serve primarily as the basis for the formation of the student policy of the Student Organisation of the University of Maribor, which will comprehensively address student issues. A peculiarity of this research is a somewhat more extensive questionnaire, in which questions are added on the media coverage of the student space and on the public image of the ŠOUM activity.
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