Socio-economic status of students in Slovenia

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
socialno-ekonomski položaj mladine, študenti, mladi, IZOBRAŽEVANJE, družbene spremembe, vrednote, zaposlitev, družbenopolitična angažiranost, VREDNOTA, VISOKOŠOLSKO IZOBRAŽEVANJE, ŠTUDENTSKA ORGANIZACIJA, SOCIALNO-EKONOMSKI POLOŽAJ, ŠTUDENT
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Social Economic Status of Students in Slovenia (Ule et al., 2008) was conducted at four universities in Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, University of Ljubljana in Maribor, University of Primorska and University of Nova Gorica. A total of 3006 persons were included in the survey, namely 1827 students and 1,175 students. The aim of the study was to get the basic parameters. socio-economic status, conditions of study, perception of the impact on social change, readiness for social engagement, and problems and strategies for transition to employment. Results of the survey they give insight into the current profile of the student population and reveal the background of the ambivalent situation of the student population today.
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