Sociological Aspects of Migration of Slovenian Workers to Germany

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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prihranki, vertikalna mobilnost, zdravje, imigracije, MEDNARODNE MIGRACIJE, migracije, družinske razmere, družbeni položaj družine, SOCIALNO-EKONOMSKI POLOŽAJ, MIGRACIJE PREBIVALSTVA, življenjski pogoji, socialni stiki, načrtovana zaposlitev v tujini ali emigracija, delavec, zadovoljstvo z delom, delovne izkušnje, napredovanje v službi, DELOVNA MIGRACIJA, dohodek, znanje jezikov, izobrazba, zaposlitev, ZAPOSLITEV V TUJINI, ZADOVOLJSTVO NA DELOVNEM MESTU, poklici
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Dataset description

The project of sociological study of the migration of Slovenians in Germany consisted of a survey of expatriates in 1974, corresponding to them Couples of Slovenian citizens who did not move to Germany and groups of returnees to their homeland in 1976. In the first phase of the study, the researchers gathered about the causes of going abroad, possible career and educational advancements, language skills, how much foreigners in Germany earn and where they intend to invest their saved money, how they assess the concrete factors of migratory attraction and repulsion, whether they intend to return to their home country, what their housing and family conditions are, and what they were before they left.
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