Sodbe Evropskega sodišča za človekove pravice

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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mednarodne sodbe za človekove pravice, ESČP sodbe, človekove pravice sodbe
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Dataset description

Review of ECtHR v. Slovenia, where the ECtHR found a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and their implementation (1994-2020): ECtHR judgments are available in original English and French on the website of the European Court of Human Rights as the only authentic version (website: also published on this website translations into Slovenian language (the latter translations are for informational purposes). The table lists the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights where one or more violations of the ECHR by the Republic of Slovenia and the status of their enforcement have been established. The table contains: — bearing in mind the number of appeals, a link to the content of the judgment in the HUDOC database of the European Court of Human Rights, where an unofficial translation into the Slovenian language can also be found; — the name of the case (or group of cases, substantively similar judgments are grouped); — date of the judgment; — the date of its res judicata; — established violation of the ECHR or brief content; — link to the Council of Europe page where an action report is published, in which Slovenia reports on the implementation of individual and collective measures (or an action plan if the implementation phase is expected to be longer, e.g. a change of legislation is needed); — and, in cases where the judgment has been implemented, a link to the final resolution of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe.
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