Survey on Mass Communications (MCS) 1962

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

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RADIJSKA POSTAJA, POSLUŠANJE RADIA, najbolj privlačne radijske vsebine, BRANJE, lastništvo radijskega sprejemnika, branje knjig, GLEDANJE TELEVIZIJE, kaj vam nudi kino, igranje glasbenih inštrumentov, branje časopisov, kaj vas odvrača od kina, članstvo v družbeno-političnih organizacijah, OBISK KINEMATOGRAFOV, BRALCI ČASOPISA, najbolj zanimive vsebine, spremljanje informativnih oddaj, šport, gledanje televizije, članstvo v sindikatu, aktivnosti v prostem času, najljubši filmi, obiskovanje kina, nakup novega radijskega sprejemnika, PROSTI ČAS, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, demografija, glasba, konjički, spremljanje glasbenih oddaj, tehnični pogoji za spremljanje radijskiega programa, poslušanje tujih radijskih postaj, čas branja časopisov, poslušanje radia, INFORMACIJSKE IN KOMUNIKACIJSKE TEHNOLOGIJE, branje revij
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Massive Communications Survey (MIC) extends to media research and communication habits. The questionnaire begins with a comprehensive set of demographic questions. This is followed by questions related to the reading of daily newspapers and magazines: what newspapers and magazines respondents read, which topics they are most interested in, when they usually read and whether they read printed media from other Yugoslav republics. The set of questions on radio includes the issue of the technical possibilities of receiving a radio signal, questions related to the frequency of listening to the radio programme, the content and quality of the radio schedule. There are questions about watching television. In the section on visiting cinema performances, we find questions about favorite films and factors that influence the frequency of cinema visits. The following are two sets of questions about leisure activities and membership in socio-political organisations, which are closing the questionnaire.
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