Tax records

Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
darilo, dediščina, igre na srečo, DDV, nepremičnine, DDPO, davek, dohodnina, prispevek
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Dataset description

The tax records collect, collect, store and further process data of taxable persons for all types of obligations for the purpose of collecting taxes, as determined by the law governing the tax procedure and for the purpose of performing other tasks specified in the ZFU. • DP1: income tax (annual assessment of personal income tax, personal income tax, dividends, capital gains, letting of property), advance income tax, taxes and contributions for natural persons, advance income tax and income tax on income from activities, obligations arising from agriculture (cataster income, forest road maintenance fee, health insurance contributions) and income tax on land conversion, property tax and compensation for the use of building land. • DP2: corporate income tax (DDPO), withholding tax on income payments of residents and non-residents (ODO), contributions from remuneration for legal persons, concession fee and additional concession fee for student services. • IDIS: real estate transfer tax (DPN), motor vehicle tax (DMV), tax on winnings in classical gambling (DODKIS), gambling concession tax (KDIS), withholding tax on income from dematerialised financial instruments (NUI), insurance business turnover tax (DPS), VIES, inheritance and gift tax (DDD), watercraft tax and additional vessel tax (DVP). • EDIS: information on tax assessments: value Added Tax (VAT), Financial Services Tax (DFS).
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