The impact of social inequality on self-realisation of personality

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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ocenjevanje različnih stališč, poklic matere, navedba funkcije v različnih organizacijah, poizkušanje doseganja sprememb v svojem okolju, KAZALEC USPEŠNOSTI, ocena prizadevanja profesorjev v srednji šoli za nudenje pomoči dijakom, DRUŽBENA NEENAKOST, navedba vključenosti v različne organizacije, ocena splošnega vedenja anketirančeve matere, kraj bivanja, navedba rednih prostočasnih aktivnosti, vrsta stalnega prebivališča, navedba pomembnejših življenjskih vrednot, način doseganja sprememb v svojem okolju, OSEBNOST, spol, OSEBNOSTNA ZNAČILNOST, mnenje o porabi družbenega denarja za reševanje družbenih problemov, ocena splošnega vedenja anketirančevega očeta, poklic očeta, regija stalnega prebivališča, VREDNOTA, mnenje o iskanje vredno opravljanega dela, mnenje o smislu življenja, koristnosti pri delu
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Dataset description

The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of the problem of social inequality on vertical mobility and self-governing activity, and in particular on psychological variables in relation to both influences. The central psychological concept to which the greatest attention has been paid is the self-realisation of the personality. The author wanted to explore the fundamental personality structures that condition human self-realisation and its characteristics of self-management. This was to be measured precisely by two fundamental factors, the factor of freedom and the factor of openness. The next problem raised in the research was the problem of values related to self-management and self-realisation. The third problem was the problem of social inequality. Namely, to look more closely at what influences the processes of social inequality in self-realisation, that this is not only inequality in incomes or objective conditions in which people live, but in this case it is much more about the education of parents, social activity, creative activities and social engagement.
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