The incidence of corruption among journalists in Slovenia 2008

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Provided by Ministry of Public Administration

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
ocena demografije, FINANČNI KRIMINAL, trend korupcije, NOVINARSTVO, korupcija, primerjava korupcije v Sloveniji in tujini, razširjenost podkupovanja in korupcije v državi, poročanje novinarjev, podkupovanje novinarjev, pereči problemi v Sloveniji, KORUPCIJA, informiranje, VREDNOTA, pogostost pojavljanja korupcije, pomembnost vrednot za posameznika, MNOŽIČNI MEDIJI, spremljanje množičnih medijev, MEDIJSKO POROČANJE
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Dataset description

The research focuses on the phenomenon of corruption among Slovenian journalists. The purpose of the survey is to determine the opinion and current situation regarding the incidence of corruption among journalists in Slovenia. The questions focus on the following areas: pressing problems in society, importance of values for the individual, assessment of corruption, comparison of corruption in Slovenia and abroad, trend of corruption, prevalence of bribery and corruption in the country, frequency of corruption, information, monitoring of mass media (radio, television, newspapers, internet), reporting of journalists, bribery of journalists. The survey on the same subject, but adapted to the questionnaire, was carried out at the same time among Slovenian journalists and among the general public in Slovenia. A description of the survey among the general public is available under IDNO KORUPJ08.
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