The Problem of Social Inequality in FSPN Students

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prehranjevanje študentov s statusom iz leta 1981/82, ocena povprečnega števila ur porabljenega za predavanje, navedba ukrepov ob nerazrešeni prošnji, ocena uspešnosti pokrivanja potreb z denarnimi sredstvi, navedba drugih denarnih virov in njihova višina, status v šolskem letu 1981/82, stopnja dokončane šolske izobrazbe staršev, navedba prebivališča tistih, zaposlitev staršev, ocena položaja staršev, ki so že imeli status študenta 1981/82, ŠTUDENT, navedba vira in zneska štipendije, navedba prebivališča tistih, ki so že imeli status študenta 1981/82, izjava o prejemanju štipendije, ocena redne udeležbe na predavanjih v študentov letu 1981/81, uspeh ob zaključku srednje šole, ocena razmer v družini, ŽIVLJENJSKE RAZMERE, navedba prebivališča v šolskem letu 1982/83, ocena povprečnega števila ur porabljenega za vaje, SOCIALNO-EKONOMSKI POLOŽAJ, OSIP (IZOBRAŽEVANJE), navedba povprečne ocene študentov s statusom iz leta 1981/82, leto vpisa v prvi letnik FSPN, vpisana smer na FSPN, stališče o primeru izobraževanja, število članov družine, navedba zaključene srednje šole, ocena datuma razrešitve prošnje za štipendijo, DRUŽBENA NEENAKOST, vpisan letnik na FSPN, stalno prebivališče, stališče o primeru izobraževanja, kjer izobrazba ne bi doprinesla k višjemu dohodku, prostor za študirnje in učenje študentov s statusom iz leta 1981/82, ocena dodatnih denarnih sredstev ob pomanjkanju tekočih, navedba zakonskega stanu, ocena višine razpoložljivih denarnih sredstev, mnenje o različnih vplivih na študijske rezultate, ocena skupnega povprečnega dohodka staršev, ocena števila ur porabljenih za pridobivanje dohodkov, kjer izobrazba ne bi doprinesla k višjemu dohodku, preskrba s študijsko literaturo študentov iz leta 1981/82
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Dataset description

The research, which dealt with the problem of social inequality in students, originated from the Faculty of Economics of Boris Kidrič in Ljubljana. At the beginning of the academic year 1981/82, with which they wanted to shed light on the socio-economic situation of their students, it was carried out when new students were enrolled at the Faculty of Economics. This was based on the assumption that, in harsh economic conditions, students were at risk. Students’ incomes corresponded only to “hand-to-mouth” subsistence. However, since the student is economically dependent on his parents, because he lives in a foreign place and has to eat elsewhere, it has to be borne in mind that, as a result, the student’s (with) chances of saving are very small. A encouraging example was taken by our faculty (FSPN) the following year, as we didn't care about the conditions in which our students live and work. There was a greater sociological focus on the whole survey, with the problem of social inequality at the forefront. On the other hand, we were interested in the material conditions of the students and the factors related to study success, which affect overall academic performance. The underlying problem is, therefore, how social inequality affects the acquisition of higher education, which is at the same time a process of restoring inequality. From a practical point of view, however, we were also interested in preventing the restoration of inequalities, with scholarships in particular playing an important role. The research was carried out in such a way that the data were comparable with the data of the Faculty of Economics Boris Kidrič.
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