Youth and AIDS, 1998

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kajenje, uporaba zaščite pri spolnem odnosu, zadnji spolni odnos, nacionalnost, mnenje o partnerstvo brez otrok, ocena seznanjenosti mladostnikov o AIDSu, zmenek, vernost, laganje kot način kako priti do spolnega odnosa, mnenje o poroki, izobrazba matere, nezvestoba, poljub, test HIV, soočenost z AIDSom, kje potekajo seksualne aktivnosti, ocena svojih seksualnih izkušenj, stališče o preigri, ocena o spolnih odnosih vrstnikov, kakšne so seksualne aktivnosti, partner, spol, videvanje drugih, ocena prihodnjih perspektiv, spolno občevanje s partnerjem/partnerko s homoseksualnimi izkušnjami, ocena možnosti okužbe, reševanje težav v obstoječi zvezi, kraj šolanja, prvi spolni odnos, poklic matere, spolne izkušnje z različnimi partnerji, stališče o odrekanju spolnim odnosom, bolezni prenosljive s spolnostjo, omejitev intimnega življenja zaradi AIDSa, odnos do tujcev, povprečna starost partnerja/partnerke, SPOLNOST, seznanjenost z virusom HIV, pogostost videvanja partnerja/partnerke, starost, trajanje zveze, SPOLNA OSVEŠČENOST, pitje alkohola, prenočitev pri fantu/punci, kraj bivanja, mnenje o vplivu cerkve, zaljubljenost, pogostost spolnih odnosov, mnenje o ozdravitvi AIDSa, mnenje o potrebi alkohola za dobro voljo, (OSEBNI) PARTNERSKI ODNOS, mnenje o otrocih, homoseksualni izkušnja, stalno prebivališče, VARNA SPOLNOST, ocena izkušenj z drogami, spolni odnosi, mnenje o plačevanju zdravljenja za okužbo HIV, petting, emocije znotraj zveze, poklic očeta, izobrazba očeta, zvestoba znotraj trenutne zveze, spolno občevanje brez kondoma z okuženim partnerjem, SPOLNO VEDENJE, mnenje o prisiljenju v spolne dejavnosti, MLADOSTNIŠTVO, MLADOSTNIK , ocena učinka okužbe s HIV na spolno obnašanje mladine, zavrnitev spolnega odnosa, ocena možnosti okužbe z virusom HIV
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The research focused not only on the attitude of high school students in Ljubljana to AIDS, but also addressed all major issues about the sexuality of young people. In addition to issues directly related to the attitude towards AIDS, the study sheds light on young people’s views on sexuality, the extent and dynamics of their sexual experiences and their own sexuality. In the first part of the research, we investigated issues related to socio-demographic factors and their impact on sexual behaviour, the characteristics of psychosocial development of the population under consideration, the characteristics of partnerships, the problem of sexual experience, the use of contraception, and the understanding of the problem of AIDS and their views on people living with HIV infection. With the help of demographic factors, as could be shown by foreign research affecting sexual behaviour, we also wanted to confirm in the study not only the connection between these two factors, but also to see what significantly affects the specific sexual behaviour of Ljubljana secondary school students. The second group of questions consists of questions concerning respondents’ views on norms and behaviours in sexual behavior. This includes questions about political orientations, prejudices on general orientation positions and questions concerning direct sexual behaviour and perceptions of sexual behaviour. The third set of questions concerned the problems and basic features of psychosexual development. The fourth set of questions addressed the question of constant relationships between respondents, about feelings towards their partner, about projection situations regarding the future of the relationship, about the use of different sexual techniques in relation to and about initiatives to use different techniques. There were also questions about the first and last sexual intercourse.
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