Demarcation of Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPAs) established in accordance with the Birds Directive. In the first group are those SPAs whose extension is very similar to a ZEC. These SPAs have the same delimitation as SACs. This is the case of ES0000122 — Aritzakun-Urritzate-Gorramendi, ES0000123 — Larra-Aztaparreta, ES0000126 — Roncesvalles-Selva de Irati, ES0000128 — Sierra de San Miguel. These limits are generated taking as a reference the information of the cadastre of Navarre at 1:5,000 scale. In a second group are those SPAs whose extension is very similar to a SAC but their surface is crossed by another river SAC. In these cases, the original delimitation of the SPA is maintained at 1:10.000 scale. To differentiate it from the ZEC, they are assigned a new identifier. This is the case of ES0000481 — Foces of Benasa and Burgui and ES0000483 — Ezkaurre-Arrigorrieta. In a third group are those SPAs whose extension differs greatly from a SAC and the original delimitation of the SPA is maintained at 1:10.000 scale. This is the case of ES0000150 — Peñas de Etxauri, ES0000151 — Caparreta, ES0000171 — El Plano-Blanca Alta, ES0000172 — Rincón del Bu-La Nasa-Tripazul. In a fourth group are all the other SPAs that will be adapted to ZECs as soon as their management plan is approved.
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