Digital colour ortho-photos of urban centres in Andalusia (2003-2008)

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Provided by Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
IDEAndalucia, 2005, Andalucía, 2006, IDEE_INSPIRE, 2004
Quality scoring

Dataset description

The Ortho-photos Urbanas de Andalucía (OUA), drawn up from different dates of photogrammetrical flights (between 2003 and 2008), were designed to assist in the urban planning of urban centres of small population size. The main objective of these urban ortho-photos was to provide the regional government of Andalusia with high precision and resolution raster maps and vectorials, in order to make it easier for these municipalities to draw up their General Urban Planning Plans (PGOU). The production of these ortho-photos started at the request of the municipalities themselves. The IECA subsequently saw the need to disseminate and extend as much as possible this geographical information both within the public administration and to the general public. The Urbanas ortho-photos of Andalusia provide information on the territory corresponding to the flight date for a large number of projects in different fields and applications. The main reason for its production was to provide municipalities with scarce financial resources with an ortho-photographic coating of the various population centres in their municipality, thus favouring proper management and spatial planning of the municipal area (spatial planning, town planning, civil engineering, cadastre, service planning, etc.).
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