Distribution of adhesed formations: 2005-2011. Andalusia

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Provided by Instituto de Estadística y Cartografía de Andalucía

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Usos del suelo, Ecosistemas, Opendata, IDEAndalucia, Hábitat
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Dataset description

The information preceding the FADH_2005_actu2011.shp layer (Working information on the distribution of the well-dehesed formations of Andalusia from the SIOSE Andalusia cartographic base. Scale 1:10.000, year 2005. Ministry of the Environment. Junta de Andalucía), has been partially modified through several review and updating processes linked to management. For the photointerpretation work, as a reference orthophoto, the one of 2010-2011 has been used. These updates continue to be classified into 4 groups: adehesed formations of chercines with herbaceous, adhesed formations of other species with herbaceous, dehesated formations of chercines with herbaceous and scrub, and adehesed formations of other species with herbaceous and scrub. In addition, two other layers necessary for the correct visualisation of the map service are published. A raster, FADH_2005_actu2011.tif, for the general view of all Andalusia and a simplified layer, FADH_2005_actu2011_simp25.shp, in which vertices have been removed from the polygons separating them every 25 m and which is only valid for viewing on a maximum scale of 1:75,000, at larger scales are perceived the lack of definition. In addition, the layer is not valid topologically, it has gaps and overlaps derived from the simplification. For any action that you want to perform with this information, use the detail layer (FADH_2005_actu2011.shp).
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