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The Road Thematic Group consists of the Tram, Road and relationship table between the two, Tramo_Vial. It represents both urban and interurban road networks. The interior sections to the urban centers are geometries that, although originally come from Catastro, have been refined and edited in order to guarantee the topological structure of the road network. In interurban areas, the sections come from the BCN25 or BTN25 from the IGN and can be supplemented or updated from maps of the autonomous communities. The names of the roads (vial layer) come, in urban core, from the INE (which in turn collects them from the municipalities), and from BCN25 or from the cartography of the Autonomous Community in interurban. It is offered in shp and dbf format, and its scales are 1/1,000 (urban) and 1/25,000 (interurban).
In 2006 there were the following municipalities: Albacete, Almansa, Hellín, Roda (La), Tobarra, Villarrobledo.
In 2007 there were the following municipalities: Bonillo (El), Casas-Ibáñez, Caudete, Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón, Elche de la Sierra, Fuente-Álamo, Madrigueras, Munera, Ossa de Montiel, Tarazona de la Mancha, Villamalea, Yeste, Pozo Cañada.
In 2008 there were the following municipalities: Abengibre, Alatoz, Albatana, Alborea, Alcadozo, Alcalá del Júcar, Alcaraz, Alpera, Ayna, Balazote, Barrax, Bienservida, Bogarra, Bonete, Carcelén, Casas de Juan Núñez, Casas de Ves, Cenizate, Férez, Fuentealbilla, Gineta (La), Higueruela, Hoya-Gonzalo, Letur, Lezuza, Liétor, Mahora, Minaya, Molinicos, Montealegre del Castillo, Motilleja, Nerpio, Ontur, Peñas de San Pedro, Pétrola, Povedilla, Pozohondo, Pozuelo, Riópar, Salobre, San Pedro, Socovos, Valdeganga, Villalgordo del Júcar, Villapalacios.
In 2010, the following municipalities were updated: Abengibre, Alatoz, Albacete, Albatana, Alborea, Alcadozo, Alcalá del Júcar, Alcaraz, Almansa, Alpera, Ayna, Balazote, Balsa de Ves, Barrax, Bienservida, Bogarra, Bonete, Carcelén, Casas de Juan Núñez, Casas de Lázaro, Casas de Ves, Casas-Ibáñez, Caudete, Cenizate, Chinchilla de Monte-Aragón, Corral-Rubio, Cotillas, El Ballestero, El Bonillo, Elche de la Sierra, Férez, Fuensanta, Fuentealbilla, Fuentealbilla, Golosalvo, Hellín, Higueruela, Hoya-Gonzalo, Jorquera, La Gineta, La Herrera.La RecuejaLa RodaLeturLezuza, Liétor, Burrows, Mahora, Masegoso, Minaya, Molinicos, Montalvos, Montealegre del Castillo, Motilleja, Munera, Navas de Jorquera, Nerpio, Ontur, Ossa de Montiel, Paterna del Madera, Peñas de San Pedro, Peñascosa, Pétrola, Povedilla, Pozo Cañada, Pozohondo, Pozo-Lorente, Pozuelo, Riópar, Robledo, Salobre, San Pedro, Socovos, Tarazona de la Mancha, Tobarra, Valdeganga, Vianos, Villa de Ves, Villalgordo del Júcar, Villamalea, Villapalacios, Villarrobledo, Villatoya, Villavaliente, Villaverde de Guadalimar, Viveros, Yeste.
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