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This thematic group consists of the layers Municipality, Province and Autonomous Community. The geometry of these layers comes from the Central Register of Cartography of the IGN. The name is provided by the Registry of Local Entities of the MAP, for the municipalities and provinces, and the corresponding statutes of autonomy, for the autonomous communities. It is offered in shp and dbf format, and its scale is 1/25,000. The layer of all Spain has been updated as of 2012-07-31. Municipalities of the province of Almeria: Abla, Abrucena, Adra, Albánchez, Alboloduy, Albox, Alcolea, Alcontar, Alcudia de Monteagud, Alhabia, Alhama de Almería, Alicún, Almócita, Alsodux, Antas, Arboleas, Armuña de Almanzora, Bacares, Bayárcal, Bayarque, Bédar, Beires, Benahadux, Benitagla, Benizalón, Bentarique, Berja, Canjáyar, Cantoria, Carboneras, Castro de Filabres, Chercos, Chirivel, Cóbdar, Cuevas del Almanzora, Dalías, Ejido, El, Enix, Felix, Fines, Fiñana, Fondón, Gádor, Gallardos, Los, Garrucha, Gérgal, Huécija, Huércal de Almería, Huércal @-@ Overa, Illar, Instinción, Laroya, Láujar de Andarax, Líjar, Lubrín, Lucainena de las Torres, Lúcar, Macael, María, Mojácar, Mojonera, La, Nacimiento, Níjar, Ohanes, Olula de Castro, Olula del Río, Oria, Padules, Partaloa, Paterna del Río, Pechina, Pulpí, Purchena, Rágol, Rioja, Roquetas de Mar, Santa Cruz de Marchena, Santa Fe de Mondújar, Senés, Serón, Sierro, Somontín, Sorbas, Suflí, Tabernas, Taberno, Tahal, Terque, Tíjola, Tres Villas, Las, Turre, Turrillas, Uleila del Campo, Urrácal, Velefique, Velez @-@ Blanco, Velez @-@ Rubio, Vera, Viator, Vícar, Zurgena
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