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This thematic group consists of the layers of Municipality, Province and Autonomous Community. The geometry of these layers comes from the IGN Central Cartography Registry. The name is provided by the Registry of Local Authorities of the MAP, for municipalities and provinces, and the corresponding statutes of autonomy, for the Autonomous Communities. It is available in shp and dbf format, and its scale is 1/25,000. The layer across Spain has been updated as of 2012-07-31. Municipalities of the province of Jaén: Albanchez de Mágina, Alcalá la Real, Alcaudete, Aldeaquemada, Andújar, Arjona, Arjonilla, Arquillos, Arroyo del Ojanco, Baeza, Bailén, Baños de la Encina, Beas de Segura, Bedmar y Garcíez, Begíjar, Bélmez de la Moraleda, Benatae, Cabra del Santo Cristo, Cambil, Campillo de Arenas, Canena, Carboneros, Carcheles, Carolina, La, Castellar, Castillo de Locubín, Cazalilla, Cazorla, Chiclana de Segura, Chilluévar, Escañuela, Espelúy, Frailes, Fuensanta de Martos, Fort of the King, Génave, Guard of Jaén, La, Guarromán, Higuera de Calatrava, Higuera de Calatrava, Ovens, Huelma, Huesa, Ibros, Iruela, La, Iznator, Jabalquinto, Jaén, Jamilena, Jimena, Jódar, Lahiguera, Larva, Linares, Lopera, Lupión, Mancha Real, Marmolejo, Martos, Mengíbar, Montión, Navas de San Juan, Noalejo, Orcera, Peal de Becerro, Pegalajar, Porcuna, Pozo Alcón, Puente de Génave, Puerta de Segura, La, Quesada, Rus, Sabiote, Santa Elena, Santiago de Calatrava, Santiago @-@ Pontones, Santisteban del Puerto, Santo Tomé, Segura de la Sierra, Siles, Sorihuela del Guadalimar, Torre del Campo, Torreblascopedro, Torredonjimeno, Torreperogil, Torres, Torres de Albánchez, Úbeda, Valdepeñas de Jaén, Vilches, Villacarrillo, Villanueva de la Reina, Villanueva del Arzobispo, Villardompardo, Villares, Los, Villarrodrigo, Villatorres
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