WMS of Addresses and Postcodes of the CartoCity of Spain

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Provided by Ministerio de Fomento

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Sistema Cartográfico Nacional, IDEE, SCNE, Portales, Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales, Puntos Kilométricos, Cartociudad
Quality scoring

Dataset description

Visualisation service with the name of the addresses from the Cartocity project based on official data from the Network of Transport of Geographical Information Reference of the SCNE, of its road network, provides the interurban roads (road network, roads, paths) with their kilometric points and urban roads with the portals located on the edge of the plot. The national coverage network was generated by the IGN from the data of this topic existing in its products and its contrast with third sources, and after the incorporation of the data production carried out by the Cartographic Institute of Valencia (ICV) in the area of the Valencian Community. The national coverage of the network is updated on the basis of data sources from the General Administration of the State and the Autonomous Communities, and in particular by the integration of the update made by the ICV in Valenciana and by the Eusko Jaurlaritza — Basque Government in the Basque Country. It has also drawn on official data from Grupo Correos, the National Institute of Statistics and the National Geographical Institute, specifically, on Geographical Information Populations of Reference. The designations are in accordance with the Inspire Directive 2007/2/EC as well as its style. In addition, they have associated a visualisation style defined by the IGN. WMS 1.3.0 display service according to ISO 19128:2005 Inspire profile.
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