Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Estudio Cuantitativo, Delincuencia y seguridad ciudadana
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Feeling of security or insecurity on the streets. — Places and hours in which the interviewee feels insecure. — Retrospective assessment of street safety. — Causes why you believe that street safety has increased or decreased. — Prospective for next year in street security. — Reasons why he thinks it will increase or decrease street safety next year. — Crimes ordered according to the severity attributed to them by the person interviewed. — Penalty that would apply to the most serious and at least serious crime. — Degree of agreement with different phrases about compliance with the law and the judicial system. — Equality in Spain before the Law. — Personal contact with the world of justice. — Legal consultation in a law firm. — Attitude that I would adopt in the event of having a conflict with another person. — Occurrence of having ever been a victim of a crime or attempted crime. — Crimes of which he has ever been a victim. — Crimes of which he has been a victim during the last year. —Complaint of the crimes of which he has been a victim during the last year. — Reason why he denounced or not the crimes of which he has been a victim. — Size of home. — Crimes of which members of the household have been victims during the last year. — Ideological self-location scale (1-7).
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