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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Medios de comunicación, Elecciones Autonómicas en Extremadura, Mercado de trabajo y desempleo, Partidos y líderes políticos, Estudio Cuantitativo, Situación social y política de Extremadura
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Place of birth of the person interviewed, the father and the mother (province). — Degree of satisfaction with living in Extremadura. — Preference between staying to live in the autonomous community or going to another region. — Opinion on whether Extremadura has its own characteristics that differentiate it from the rest of the Spanish regions or nationalities. — Characteristics typical of Extremadura that differentiate it from the rest of the Spanish regions or nationalities. — Main problems that exist in Extremadura (3) (ordinal). — Degree of severity of a number of problems in Extremadura. — Political party that has shown greater concern about the problems of Extremadura. — Current assessment of the economic situation of the Autonomous Community (Extremadura). — Retrospective assessment of the economic situation of the Autonomous Community (Extremadura) (2 years). — Prospective assessment of the economic situation of Extremadura (1 year). — Opinion on the influence of Spain’s entry into the EEC for the whole economy of Extremadura. — Comparison of the problem of unemployment in Extremadura with respect to when the socialists arrived at the regional government. — Prospective assessment of the unemployment situation in Extremadura (2 years). — Opinion on the existence of fraud in the collection of unemployment benefits. — Opinion on the volume of people who defraud in the collection of unemployment benefits. — A group that benefits the most from unemployment benefit fraud. — Causes that most influence the maintenance of the volume of unemployment in Extremadura. — Knowledge of the change of employment plans, from the Community to Rural Employment Plan. — Opinion on the degree of influence of rural employment measures on unemployment. — Knowledge of the call of the regional government to all social actors and experts to debate the agrarian reform. — Assessment of the call of the regional government to all social actors and experts to discuss agrarian reform. — Opinion on the need for agrarian reform in Extremadura. — Assessment of the decision of the autonomous government of Extremadura to paralyse the Valdecaballeros nuclear power plant. — Assessment of assistance provided by Social Security services in Extremadura. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of autonomy in Extremadura. — Assessment of Felipe Gonzalez’s Government’s policy towards Extremadura. — Advantage of belonging to the same party of the Junta de Extremadura and the central government. — Opinion on whether or not the policy of the regional government favors Cáceres or Badajoz. — Evaluation of the fact that Mérida is the capital of Extremadura. — Degree of information on the activities carried out by the Autonomous Government of Extremadura. — Reason for the lack of information on the activity of the Autonomous Government of Extremadura. — Frequency of reading newspapers. — Newspapers you regularly read (2). — Perception of the degree of information you have about what happens in Extremadura. — Opinion on whether any other regional newspaper in Extremadura would be necessary. — Frequency with which you watch TVE and the regional channel (Tele-Extremadura). — Frequency with which you listen to the radio. — Preferred radio stations (2). — Frequency of travel by train. — Knowledge of the suppression of railway lines. — Consequences of the abolition of railway lines. — Perception of the knowledge that the Extremadurans have about the status of autonomy. — Perception of the knowledge you have about the status of autonomy. — Assessment of the work carried out by different political institutions of the Autonomous Community: Extremadura. — Knowledge of the name of the current regional president of Extremadura. — Scale of assessment (0-10) of the political performance of the president of Extremadura. — Degree to which the Autonomous President of Extremadura has certain qualities: Juan Carlos Rodríguez Ibarra. — Knowledge and scale of assessment (0-10) of the political actions of the councilors of the Government of Extremadura. — Knowledge and scale of assessment (0-10) of regional political leaders of Extremadura. — Intention to vote in supposed regional elections of Extremadura. — Political party for which he feels more sympathy in the regional elections of Extremadura. — Ideological self-location scale (1-10). — Ideological location scale (1-10) of political parties of the autonomous community: Extremadura. — Degree of proximity to political parties in Extremadura. — Knowledge and scale of assessment (0-10) of national political leaders. — Intention to vote in supposed general elections. — Political party for which you feel more sympathy in the general elections. — Domestic equipment. — Frequency of attendance at religious offices. — Vote memory in the 1982 general election. — Vote memory in the regional elections of Extremadura in 1983.
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