Open data API in a single place

Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Radio, Medios de comunicación, Estudio Cuantitativo, Situación social y política de la Región de Murcia, Televisión, Prensa
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Degree of interest in various leisure activities. — Frequency of reading newspapers. — Regular reading newspaper. — Time of day when you usually read the newspaper. — Usual form of acquisition of the most read newspaper. — How you read the most common newspaper. — Identification with the usual reading newspaper. — Degree of information through the press on issues from different territorial areas. — Degree of confidence in the information that appears in the newspaper you regularly read. — Newspaper ‘The Truth’: reasons why it is interesting to read it; Ideological location of the newspaper; Agreement or disagreement with common opinions on the newspaper; Frequency of reading of the newspaper; Evaluation of the sections of the newspaper. — Degree of interest in the topics dealt with by the press. — Agreement or disagreement with the most frequent opinions about the press. — Magazines read in the last month. — Parts of magazine articles that capture the most attention. — Most usual magazine reading mode. — Frequency of radio listening by time slots on weekends and holidays. — Preferred radio stations in Murcia (3). — Frequency of radio listening by slots on working days. — Degree of interest in the various radio programmes. — Degree of information through the radio on issues from different territorial areas. — Degree of confidence in the information given by the radio. — Television network ‘Tele-Murcia’: Frequency of television audience of their programmes; Sufficiency of the information it provides on various regional issues; Confidence in the information it gives on regional and local issues; Level of information on regional and municipal issues. — Television audience frequency of TVE programs on weekdays and holidays. — Frequency of audience in television of newscasts. — National news outlets viewed more frequently. — Degree of interest in different types of television programs. — Degree of information, through TVE, on issues of territorial scope. — Degree of confidence in TVE’s information on territorial issues. — Preferred means of communication to follow the news about the Region of Murcia. — Ideological self-location scale (1-10). — Intention to vote in supposed regional elections of the Region of Murcia. — Political party for which he feels more sympathy in the regional elections of the Region of Murcia. — Intention to vote in supposed general elections. — Political party for which you feel more sympathy in general elections. — Frequency of attendance at religious offices. — Vote memory in the 1982 general election. — Vote memory in the regional elections of the Region of Murcia in 1983.
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