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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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Inmigración, Estudio Cuantitativo
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Dataset description

— Freedom of every person to live and work in any country. — Opinion on the volume of foreign people working in Spain. — Comparison of the volume of foreign workers in Spain with other European countries. — Opinion on the origin of the largest group of foreign workers in Spain. — Reason why foreign people come to Spain. — Degree of agreement with the opinion that current Spanish laws allow the entry into Spain of workers from other countries. — Agreement that the government adopts measures to limit the entry of immigrants in search of work. — Position to be taken by the Government in the light of the restrictive measures imposed by the EC. — Opinion on whether the measures taken by the Government should equally affect all nationalities. — Opinion on the harshness of immigration measures that should be applied to different groups. — Concept of a political refugee. — Opinion on whether Spain should welcome anyone seeking refuge or political asylum. — Opinion on whether Spain should welcome different groups applying for political asylum. — Positioning before the regularisation of illegal immigrants. — Degree of agreement with the view that so far the Spanish authorities have controlled the illegal stay of foreigners in Spain. — According to phrases about the world of work and immigrants in Spain. — Opinion on whether foreign labour can positively or negatively influence the growth of the Spanish economy. — Economic sectors or types of jobs in which he believes that foreign workers are necessary to make up for the lack of Spanish labor. — Influence of the Schengen agreement in Spain, on Spanish workers and on the person interviewed. — Perception of the living conditions of immigrants in Spain. — Reason why immigrant workers are believed to live worse than Spaniards. — Opinion on whether the Government should adopt measures to equalise the living conditions of migrant workers in Spain. — Aspects in which he believes that foreign workers live worse than Spanish workers. — Perception of the living conditions of immigrants compared to Spanish workers. — Opinion on whether foreigners with residence and work permits in our country should have the same political, social, etc. rights as Spaniards. — Rights that foreigners should have with a residence and work permit in Spain. — Attitude to the customs of immigrant workers. — Attitude to religious freedom of foreign people. — Opinion on the treatment of Spanish immigrants. — Opinion on the treatment of Spanish people towards people of different races. — Degree of relationship between the stay of foreign immigrants in Spain and certain behaviors not allowed. — Opinion about immigrants engaged in crime in Spain. — Frequency of attendance at religious offices. — Nationality of the person interviewed. TO SPANISH PEOPLE: — Affinity towards different ethnic groups. — Difficulty in living with people of different customs, religion and political ideology. — Approval of marriage between different races/ethnic groups. — Degree of concern about the marriage of a son/daughter to people of different nationalities. — Degree of importance of having as neighbors families of different nationalities. — Degree of importance of having as co-workers citizens of different nationalities. — Assessment of the existence of racist parties in Europe. — Opinion on whether in Spain, over time, a racist political party could appear. — Predisposition to vote for a party of racist ideology. — Political party for which you feel more sympathy in the general elections. — Intention to vote in supposed general elections. — Vote recall in the 1989 general election. TO FOREIGN PERSONS: — Time of residence in Spain. — Main reason for your stay in Spain. — People with whom you live in Spain: alone or with family. — Type of housing/residence and coexistence. — Degree of friendship with Spanish people. — Degree of tenure of relationships with people in your neighborhood. — Assessment of the relationship you have with people in your work.
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