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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

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Corrupción, Estudio Cuantitativo, Organizaciones internacionales, Monarquía, Partidos y líderes políticos
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Knowledge and degree of interest in the celebration of the World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen. — Knowledge of the main topics discussed at the Summit. — Evaluation of the success achieved by the Summit. — Degree of interest and means of communication used in the follow-up of Infanta Elena’s wedding. — Opinion on the choice of Seville for the celebration of the wedding of the Infanta. — Opinion on the importance given to the Infanta’s wedding. — Evaluation of the current economic situation and expectations for one year. — Degree of confidence in economic recovery. — Assessment of the political performance of the Popular Party. — Valuation of political leaders. — Assessment of a possible PP Government. — Assessment of UI policy. — Assessment of the Socialist Government. — Approval and degree of trust in Felipe González. — Degree of confidence in José Mª Aznar President of the PP. — Valuation of a Government with José Mª Aznar of President. — Agreement with different opinions on possible exits to the current political situation. — Preference in the outcome of the next general elections. — Preference for the next Prime Minister: Felipe González/José Mª Aznar. — Intention to vote in general elections. — Affinity with Political Parties. — I remember voting in the 1993 general election. — Remembrance of voting in elections to the European Parliament 1994. — Voting reasons, for PSOE voters in 1993 and who do not intend to vote for him in the next general election. — Events, during the last month, of Spanish public life that have caught his attention the most and have worried him. — Degree of interest in the monitoring of the capture, in international waters, by Canada of the Spanish fishing vessel Estai. — Opinion of the degree of firmness with which the Spanish Government and the European Union have acted in the previous case. — Opinion on a possible break in diplomatic relations with Canada in the event that it has persisted in its attitude. — Degree of interest in the follow-up of the ‘Roldán Case’. — Degree of agreement with different opinions on the capture of Luis Roldán. — Opinion of how the action of the Justice will condition the circumstances in which he was arrested. — Opinion on the existence of a possible pact between the Government and Luis Roldán. — Degree of willingness of the Government to go to the bottom in the clarification of cases of corruption. — Evaluation of the action of the Ministry of Justice and Interior in relation to the capture of Luis Roldán. — Assessment of the PP’s criticisms of the Government in relation to the capture of Luis Roldán. — Evaluation of the Government after the capture of Luis Roldán. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — One-year job expectations.
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