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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

Get early access to 2154|POLITICAL CULTURE (III) API!

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Dataset information

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Available languages
Estudio Cuantitativo, Cultura política
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Assessment of the personal economic situation. — Assessment of the economic situation in Spain. — Rating of Francoism. — Assessment of a supposed democratic system instead of the regime of General Franco. — Assessment of different political regimes. — Opinion about the society in which we live. — Assessment of the functioning of democracy in Spain. — Evaluation of the current political situation. — Degree of benefit for Spain, derived from membership of the European Union. — Alternative formulas of the organisation of the State in Spain. — Opinion of the government’s role in the well-being of citizens. — Degree of Government responsibility for: prices, employment, health care, unemployment allowance, environment, scholarships, pensions, culture, public services, roads, housing and public companies. — Attitude towards taxes. — Priority between: individual freedom and social equality. — Opinion of the degree of individual freedom existing in Spain at present and retrospective to ten years. — Opinion of the degree of social inequalities existing in Spain today and retrospective to ten years. — Evolution, in the last ten years, of the following areas in Spain: health, education, environment, pensions, unemployment protection, public works, economy, culture, citizen security, housing, administration, justice and social services. — Evaluation of the whole of Spain, since the Socialists came to power in 1982. — Assessment of the Governments of Felipe González. — Priorities in the objectives of Spanish society for the coming years: terrorism, environment, economy, public deficit, corruption, inflation, unemployment, drugs, public services, social inequalities, citizen security and administration of justice. — Degree of interest in politics. — Frequency in the use of the Media for political information. — Newspaper, radio station and TV channel used for political information. — Often, among people around you, you discuss politics. — Feelings that inspire politics. — Attitudes towards politics. — Qualities that politicians should have. — Approval of different political actions. — Affiliation to: citizen association, political party or trade union. — Evaluation of the Party System. — Identification of certain values with ‘left’ or ‘right’. — Political participation. — Grounds for abstention from voting. — Vote agreement between the regional elections and the general elections. — Reasons in the intention to vote. — Identification with political parties. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Scale of political ideology of political parties. — Intention to vote in general elections. — Affinity with political parties. — I remember voting in the 1982 general election. — I remember voting in the 1993 general election.
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