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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
OTAN, Estado, Constitución e instituciones, Estudio Cuantitativo, Constitución
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Perception and assessment of the change in Spanish society, in the twenty years since the death of Francisco Franco. — Opinion of how history will value, Franco’s regime. — Intensity of the memory of Francoism. — Personal image of Francisco Franco. — According to phrases that indicate how the figure of Franco could go down in history. — Opinion on whether Spanish society has forgotten old grudges derived from the Civil War. — Attractiveness of the figure of Franco, for young people who did not live the Civil War. — Assessment and fulfillment of expectations, of the course of events, since November 1975, the date of Franco’s death. — Pride of the Spaniards of their transition to democracy. — Scale of contribution, to the success of the Spanish political transition, of the institutions. — Justification of democracy. — Assessment of the functioning of democracy. — Consideration, from the point of view of democratic normality, of the confrontation between the main political parties. — Degree of satisfaction with the Spanish Constitution on its 18th anniversary. — Assessment of the functioning of the Constitution. — Opinion on the ideas that prevailed in the Constitution. — Degree of importance of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate for the functioning of democracy. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of the Spanish Parliament. — Opinion on the representativeness of deputies and senators. — Opinion on the reform of the Constitution. — Evaluation scale of the institutions. — Events of Spanish public life, which have caught his attention the most, and the one that has most worried him, in the last month. — Knowledge and assessment of the appointment of Javier Solana as Secretary of NATO. — Opinion on Spain’s membership of NATO. — Assessment of the current economic situation in Spain and expectations for one year. — Assessment of the current political situation in Spain. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of national political leaders. — Assessment of the political performance of the Popular Party. — Assessment of a possible Government of the People’s Party. — Assessment of the management of the current Socialist Government. — Approval of the political performance of Felipe González as President of the Government. — Degree of confidence in Felipe González, President of the Government. — Degree of confidence in José Mª Aznar, President of the People’s Party. — Opposition of a government of Felipe González/José Mª Aznar. — Preference in the outcome of the general elections. — Preference for the next Prime Minister: Felipe González/José Mª Aznar. — Intention to vote in general elections. — Affinity with political parties. — I remember voting in the 1993 general election. — Memory of voting in municipal elections of 1993. — Reasons for re-voting the PSOE in the next general election. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Job expectations.
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