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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
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COMUNIDADES AUTÓNOMAS, Estudio Cuantitativo, Cultura política
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Events in Spanish public life that have attracted the most attention in the last month and which has seemed more worrying. — Degree of importance of the objectives that Spain should set for the next ten years. — Description of the three most important problems that Spain currently has. — Description of the two problems that affect you the most personally today. — Assessment of the economic situation in Spain: currently and prospective to one year. — Degree of influence on the Spanish economic situation of: the policy and decisions of the Government and the European Union, the international economy, the activity of companies and the performance of workers. — Degree of perception of the decrease in unemployment in recent months. — Expectations for the next year of unemployment in Spain. — Assessment of the personal economic situation: currently, prospective and retrospective to a year. — Evaluation of the current political situation in Spain. — Degree of satisfaction with the results of the 1996 general elections. — Vote recall in 1996 general elections. — Opinion on whether the PP will manage to reach agreements with the nationalist parties with a view to the formation of the Government. — Assessment that the PP manages to reach an agreement with the nationalist parties. — Valuation, preference and forecast on different types of PP agreements with nationalists. — Opinion on the three priorities that the new government should take into account. — Opinion on possible formulas of organisation of the State in Spain in relation to the autonomous communities. — Degree of agreement with different opinions on the development of the State of Autonomies. — Assessment of the creation, development and functioning of the autonomous communities when they will be twenty years after the adoption of the Constitution. — Assessment of the functioning of the State’s organisation in autonomous communities. — Degree of prosperity and wealth differences between the different regions of Spain: at present and retrospective to ten years. — Trends, in the differences of prosperity or wealth, of the different regions, since the autonomous communities exist. — Expectations of the differences of prosperity or wealth between the different regions of Spain. — Opinion on the treatment given by the Central Government to the different autonomous communities. — Personal experience of the interviewee on the functioning of the offices and public services of their autonomous community comparing them with those of the State Administration. — Valuation, of the management in general and of the administration of public money in particular, of the different autonomous communities. — Nationalist sentiment. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Affinity with political parties. — Religious religiosity and practice of the interviewee. — One-year job expectations.
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