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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas

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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Política exterior española, Situación económica española, Estudio Cuantitativo, Consumo y economía doméstica, Cultura política, OTAN
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Degree of interest with which he follows the news related to Spanish foreign policy. — Evaluation of the image that Spain currently has on the international stage. — Objectives, in order of importance, of Spain’s international policy. — Assessment of the actions of the new government in foreign policy. — Knowledge and scale of assessment of international leaders. — Information and assessment of the latest armed actions of the United States against Iraq. — Degree of information on NATO’s functions after the changes in its organisation, following the disappearance of communism in Eastern Europe. — Degree of agreement with the possible incorporation into NATO of the new democracies of Eastern Europe. — Degree of agreement with different opinions on the existence of NATO. — Two qualities, in order of importance, that a politician should have. — Feelings produced by politics. — Often you are interested in political news. — Degree of information on current political issues. — Main means of communication through which it is informed about the issues related to the current political situation. — Evaluation of the current political situation of the country and expectations within a year. — Evaluation of the current economic situation of the country and expectations within a year. — Degree of influence on the Spanish economic situation of: the policy and decisions of the Government and the European Union, the circumstances of the international economy and the activity of companies and the performance of workers. — Assessment of the current personal and family economic situation, compared to what it had a year ago, and prospects for the next twelve months. — Opinion on whether the current economic situation is favorable or not for small and large family expenses. — Prospects, in the coming months and in the next two years, of buying small appliances or furniture, making home renovations and buying an apartment. — Evaluation of the price increase, compared with last year and prospects for next year. — Expectations, one year away, of the balance of family income in relation to the increase in prices. — Current family saving capacity, compared to past capacity and prospects for the future. — Reasons not to save. — Opinion on whether it is reasonable to save taking into account the economic situation of the country. It’s a reason. — Assessment of the trend of unemployment to decline in the last twelve months and prospects for the next 12 months. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Electoral turnout. — Reasons in the voting decision. — Vote recall in 1996 and 1993 general elections. — Job expectations.
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