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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Monarquía, Constitución e instituciones, Estudio Cuantitativo, JUSTICIA, Constitución, Cultura política, Estado
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Opinion on the degree of knowledge of the Constitution by the Spaniards. Degree of knowledge of the interviewee. — Opinion on the degree of concern that has existed to teach in schools the fundamental ideas of the Constitution. — Degree of satisfaction with the Constitution. — Degree of confidence that the Constitution will help solve current problems. — Opinion on the degree of respect for the Constitution. — Two groups or institutions that have more power at the moment. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of democracy in Spain. Reason why you are not satisfied with such operation. Comparison with those of other democracies in the European Union. — Scale of trust in various institutions fundamental to democracy. — Opinion on the degree of contribution of King Juan Carlos to the stability of democracy. — Degree of importance, for the functioning of democracy, of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. — Opinion on the importance of the problems discussed in the Congress of Deputies and in the Senate. — The two most important functions in Parliament’s work. — Degree of satisfaction with the functioning of the Spanish Parliament. — Degree of concern of parliamentarians about their own interests, those of their parties, those of their constituents and nationals. — Opinion on the extent to which deputies and senators represent the interests of their constituents. — Opinion on whether the current Senate represents the interests of the different autonomous communities. — Knowledge of the names of the current presidents of the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. — Degree of usefulness of the institution of the Ombudsman in resolving the complaints of the Spaniards against the Public Administrations. Opinion on the influence of this institution on the Public Administration. Use and degree of effectiveness of the Ombudsman. — Degree of knowledge of the functions performed by the Constitutional Court. — Opinion on the degree of compliance with the laws by the Spaniards. — Opinion on the equality of Spaniards in the application of criminal laws. — Opinion on the current functioning of the Administration of Justice. Which is why he thinks it doesn't work well. — Expectations about the functioning of the Courts of Justice within three years. — Assessment of the degree of independence of Spanish judges. — Knowledge of the existence of the General Council of the Judiciary. Degree of agreement with various phrases on this Council. — Degree of interest in the action of political institutions in the different territorial areas. Opinion on the extent to which he is personally affected by the decisions taken by these institutions. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Vote memory of the 1996 general election.
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