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Provided by Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas


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Dataset information

Country of origin
Available languages
Lenguas, Estudio Cuantitativo, COMUNIDADES AUTÓNOMAS, Cultura política, Identidad territorial
Quality scoring

Dataset description

— Place of birth of the interviewee, the parents and their spouse/partner. — Scale of identification with different territorial areas. — Scale of sympathy towards the inhabitants of the different autonomous communities. — Preference in the use of the terms region/nation to refer to the autonomous community itself. — Degree of agreement with various phrases referring to regionalist sentiment in its autonomous community. — Scale of regionalist sentiment and scale of nationalist sentiment. — Opinion on the two main factors to consider your autonomous community as a nation. — Territorial scope with which you identify when you talk about your origin. — Preferred term to refer to your nationality. — Nationalist sentiment. — Meaning of ‘Spain’ for the interviewee. — Degree of pride for being Spanish. — Feeling produced by the Spanish flag and the Spanish national anthem. — Feeling about an act in which a Spanish or group of Spaniards are rewarded. — Degree of agreement with various phrases referring to the Spanish political-territorial organisation. — European sentiment. Preference for Spanish or European citizenship. — Alternative formulas of state organisation in Spain. Preferred formula for your autonomous community. — Knowledge of the proposal of the right to self-determination. — Meaning for the interviewee of the concept ‘right to self-determination’. — Impressions that give him the possibility of self-determination for Catalonia and for the Basque Country. — Degree of agreement with various phrases on the development of the State of Autonomies. — Assessment of the consequences for Spain of the creation and development of the autonomous communities. — Evaluation of the functioning of the State’s organisation in autonomous communities. — Assessment of the existence of an autonomous government for the community itself. — Opinion on whether the central government treats all the autonomous communities equally. More favored communities. — Opinion of the treatment given by the central government to the autonomous community itself. — Valuation of the three autonomous communities with the highest standard of living and the three with a lower standard of living. — Differences of prosperity and wealth between the different regions of Spain currently, retrospective and expectations for the coming years. — Evaluation of the management of the Government of the autonomous community of the interviewee. — Degree of agreement with phrases concerning the voting of regional/national parties. — Degree of closeness to political parties. — Scale of political ideology of the interviewee. — Vote recall in March 1996 general elections. TO ALL EXCEPT THE FORAL COMMUNITY OF NAVARRE AND THE BASQUE COUNTRY: — Knowledge and assessment of the new financing mechanisms of the Autonomous Communities. — Degree of agreement with phrases related to the new regional financing system. — Opinion on the impact of the new regional financing system on the Autonomous Community itself. — Opinion on the possibility that each autonomous community may partially modify the rate of Income Tax. TO ALL EXCEPT BASQUE COUNTRY AND CATALONIA: — Degree of agreement with the exercise of the right to self-determination in Catalonia and the Basque Country. — Opinion on the loss that the independence of Catalonia or the Basque Country would entail for Spain. Economic consequences for the rest of Spain of such independence. — Position on the assumption that a political party of the autonomous community itself claimed the right to self-determination. Benefits that this complaint would have for your Community. TO ALL EXCEPT UNIPROVINCIAL COMMUNITIES: — Comparison of the benefit of autonomy for the provinces of the community. ONLY IN THE BALEARIC ISLANDS, GALICIA, VALENCIAN COMMUNITY, FORAL COMMUNITY OF NAVARRA, CATALONIA AND BASQUE COUNTRY: — Native language, or languages, of the interviewee. — Knowledge of the official language of the Community when the native language of the interviewee is Spanish. — Level of knowledge of the official language of the community. Place of learning of the same. — Language in which the teaching was taught in the interviewee’s school. — Language commonly used in different situations. — Language in which he usually reads the press, watches television and listens to the radio. — Degree of agreement with phrases on the need to know the official language of the Community in order to carry out certain work. — Opinion on the situation of people living in the Community and do not understand the official language of the community. — Opinion on the language in which compulsory education should be provided. — Opinion on whether free choice between Spanish and the official language of the Community in compulsory education is guaranteed in the Autonomous Community. ONLY BASQUE COUNTRY AND CATALONIA: — Evaluation of the attitude of the citizens of the Community towards proposals for self-determination. — Attitude of the interviewee towards the independence of the autonomous community. — Opinion on the influence of independence on the standard of living.
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